6 Myths About the Effects of Coffee on Your Body

While numerous individuals begin their day with a cup of coffee, there are those who avoid it at all costs, despite enjoying its flavor and scent. These individuals view coffee more as an occasional indulgence rather than a staple beverage they can freely enjoy at any time. It is reported that Americans consume roughly 4 billion ounces of coffee each year, a statistic significantly influenced by its frequent appearance in films and television shows, where it’s often the drink of choice for many characters. This trend also feeds into the desire to be perceived as fashionable, industrious, and a symbol of social achievement. In essence, coffee has skyrocketed in popularity due to effective marketing strategies and its cultivated image as an essential tool for anyone leading a dynamic life and tackling countless daily tasks head-on. However, a small fraction of people remain skeptical about its allure and practical benefits.

Moreover, they turn a blind eye to all the advantages coffee consumption can provide them with. Is it worth it? Will you benefit from coffee rejection? It is time to learn more about the most common myths.

Coffee leads to heavy dehydration

Have you ever come across news that someone ended up in the hospital due to dehydration caused by drinking too many flat whites? The chances are higher than ever that even your friends never complained about such a problem, even though they consume gallons of coffee daily. The thing is that numerous studies have proved the opposite effect, so regular coffee drinking will rather help you meet set fluid needs than lead to dehydration. Researchers have concluded that coffee is almost on equal footing with water in contrast to tea, juices, and carbonated drinks. Thus, if you deprive yourself of a cup of this aroma drink just because you fear dehydration, it is high time to get the best Brazilian coffee beans and develop a new morning ritual.

Dark roasting leads to bigger buzz

While many people try to avoid dark roast because they believe it may cause an increased boost, others choose it for exactly the same reason. However, it is a huge misconception since light roast stands out with enhanced caffeine concentration. In other words, prolonged roasting makes coffee beans less robust. So, if you want to get a buzz, you should opt for almost green beans since their caffeine concentration is almost 40% higher. Besides, the total effect depends on the amount of coffee consumed per day. Thus, if you don’t intake more than 200 mg of caffeine per one portion and 400 mg per day, you will hardly face any unpleasant consequences unless you have health issues.

People with heart issues should switch to decaf

Caffeinated drinks affect your body almost the same way as adrenaline, so your heart starts pumping faster. It is the main reason why they advise people who suffer from irregular heartbeats to stay away from coffee. Nonetheless, studies have shown that moderate consumption of coffee doesn’t lead to the deterioration of irregular heartbeats, so people can drink it, provided they do regular check-ups. Thus, if you constantly visit your physician and neither overdo it with coffee intake nor choose too light roast, you can treat yourself to a cup of this delicious, aroma drink.

Instant coffee is dangerous

Many people believe that instant coffee is second-rate since it stands out neither with flavor nor aroma. However, it doesn’t mean that it contains fewer antioxidants. Moreover, studies have shown that instant coffee can boast of an increased amount of chlorogenic acid. The latter is responsible for reducing the risk of diabetes since it slows down glucose absorption into the blood flow after food. So, you shouldn’t fear the consumption of instant coffee, especially if you like it.

Coffee is addictive

Many people believe that it is not safe to consume it, and its popularity serves a bad favor in this case. They place the coffee on a par with drugs, sweets, and alcohol, that is to say, things that provoke dependence. It is one of the reasons why they try to avoid its consumption regularly. However, even though your body really develops some caffeine tolerance over time, coffee consumption doesn’t lead to dependence in its pure sense. You can easily control caffeine intake and increase or reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink daily. If you reject this drink for some time, you will hardly face a cold turkey effect. Besides, the way you develop caffeine tolerance is more about genetics, so you cannot change this moment anyway.

It is better to drink coffee before working out

Even though many people say here and there that it is better to drink coffee before you start exercising since it can help you go stronger, it is not always the case. For example, you may feel that it is easier to cope with the workload, but you may develop serious problems if you have any stomach issues. Anyway, when it comes to coffee consumption, it is crucial not to overdo it. Otherwise, it will bring more harm than good, especially considering the fact that workouts put your body under stress.


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